It was a global race that led to the largest mass vaccination campaign in American history. What comes after a COVID-19 vaccine? Track the Vax, a weekly podcast from MedPage Today, returns for Season 2 to continue to examine the 'New Normal" …
It has had a bit of mixed messaging. From pharmaceutical executives mapping out a timeline (September) for when a Covid-19 vaccine booster may be needed, to others saying it is possible we never need one. The question of when or even I…
In the United States it may feel like life is getting back to ‘normal.’ BBQ, basketball games and concerts have begun again. But globally, it’s a different story. Even as Dr. Anthony Fauci warns not to celebrate prema…
As more and more Americans roll up their sleeves, the term we keep hearing seems closer to reach: herd immunity. It’s the moment when we have reached more people immune from COVID-19 than susceptible to infection. It’s been touted…
Kids and shots… they go together like…Crying and candy. But now, is there a new one that can be added to their yearly schedule? The CDC and FDA allowing the Pfizer vaccine to those 12 and up, as Covid-19 vaccine distribut…
It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for. The time you are all vaxxed up and ready to rejoin the world--maskless. In the U.S. Covid vaccination rates are still around 50% of the population. And while the FDA has now authorized vacc…
Whether you get the shot and feel great, or perhaps have those flu like symptoms… chances are someone you know, has had some kind of reaction to a Covid-vaccine. A new CDC report found following dose one, pain in the arm was the …
Flights are being booked. Hotels scouted… dreams of a tropical paradise or concert turned into a reality. Activities deferred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But as people yearn to return to normal, one item they may need to pack even if…
The U.S. has now opened, Covid-19 vaccination to all eligible adults. But will availability ensure everyone will have access to get the shot? Already, CDC data shows that ⅔ of those who have received at least one Covid-19 vaccine are White --…
When it comes to the pandemic, for months we’ve been told vaccines are the answer. The Biden administration deployed an “all-of-government" approach. They ran development, research and production in a non-linear fashion to allow de…